April 2017


 According to a report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Global Warming is doing "widespread and consequential" harm to animals and plants, which are struggling to adapt to new conditions. Climate change is altering key habitat elements as the right temperatures, fresh water, food sources and places to raise their young, that are critical to wildlife's survival and putting natural resources in jeopardy. Species may not be able to adapt to this rapid climate change or to move fast enough to more suitable areas as their current areas become less suitable for them. Unless greenhouse gas emissions are severely reduced, climate change could cause a quarter of land animals, bird life and plants to become extinct. Potential climate change solutions include making vehicles, homes, and buildings more energy efficient and increasing wind and solar power, hydrogen produced from renewable sources, and other alternative energies. You can start by stop eating beef, which will reduce methane getting in the atmosphere.
 According to a report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Global Warming is doing "widespread and consequential" harm to animals and plants, which are struggling to adapt to new conditions. Climate change is altering key habitat elements as the right temperatures, fresh water, food sources and places to raise their young, that are critical to wildlife's survival and putting natural resources in jeopardy. Species may not be able to adapt to this rapid climate change or to move fast enough to more suitable areas as their current areas become less suitable for them. Unless greenhouse gas emissions are severely reduced, climate change could cause a quarter of land animals, bird life and plants to become extinct. Potential climate change solutions include making vehicles, homes, and buildings more energy efficient and increasing wind and solar power, hydrogen produced from renewable sources, and other alternative energies. You can start by stop eating beef, which will reduce methane getting in the atmosphere.